Most everyone will recommend a Bird 43, and they are the industry standard. However, and I am going to commit blasphemy here, they are overkill for most people. Yes, I have one, but unless you are into alignment and repair of transceivers, you are spending a lot of money on something that would be better spent on something else. If you are just interested in VHF and UHF, you can get a Realistic meter that is visually the same, and works the same as the $70+ MFJ, and Diamond meters. I purchased one on eBay new in box for $15. SWR readings are comparable to the Bird, at a tenth of the price. Second, if your main focus is on 2m, several old CB SWR meters were designed to work up to 150mhz. Some of these were Pace, Midland, Vanco, Realistic, and PDC, also known as Paradynamics. These can often be found for as little as $2. I bought a Para 600 last year for $20. These are still sold new under the Astatic brand. They are the three in one meters, Modulation, SWR, and Power.