Any Users Of SDR++ ? A Few Questions


Dec 15, 2004
Boston, MA

Using SDR++ on my mac.
So nice to have any radio related software for a mac.
Nice program; well done.

Have the following questions, though which I couldn’t discern from the documentation or by experimentation:

a. Can I import a db like eibi, and be able to click
on a freq. and have my radio go there ?

If so, how ?

b. Other than what I may have loaded into the program "Memories", any way of
having a full db, e.g. eibi, frequencies show up visually in the Spectrum Display as “labels” ?

c. Is there a Scan function that I can set up to scan between two freq’s ?

d. Any way of using with an Icom R8600 ?

As always, thanks for help.
Much appreciated,



Feb 14, 2020
I was waiting to see if anyone replied. I'm using SDR++ with my R8600 marginally.
Marginally meaning I had to play around to get it working following this thread from here:

I'll post a link where you can try it out. I was running 1.03 and last night decided to give 1.04 a try. It's running, a bit buggy, and make your changes before you start the radio. If you stop it, the program closes. The latest, or nightly release does not play nice and I could not get it to work following the closed thread.

I wanted to try Satdump. But just like too many of the SDR applications out there. They are fairly racist towards what I call "Real Radios".
I even used the Discord link and registered there. What a bunch of a-holes. No-how, no-way will they look at or consider anything but dongle radios. Sad.

You look like you might be versed using SDR++. I'd be very interested in finding out how using it with your R8600 is compared to other radios.
And how the plugins work, the server, etc. I threw the folder in C:\. Probably works just fine anyplace though.
So, here ya' go:

SDRPP 1.04 IC-R8600


Dec 15, 2004
Boston, MA

I'm a real (elderly) novice with this "stuff".
My guess is that you are way sharper with it than I am.

Have the Icom R-8600.
Quite a toy.
Am really enjoying using it. Incredible radio.

I have SDRControl on my mac to use with it.
Works very well, and is very nice to see the large radio's display on the mac screen.

Had no trouble installing SDR++ quite some time ago.
I have never been comfortable using GitHub, but apparently I was
able to do it (then).

Works, but have trouble with their menu options, etc.
eMail(s) to the Author are unanswered.

My immediate question is: is it possible to import
a big full db like eibi into SDR++ (on mac) ?
*And, have the radio go there upon clicking on a particular frequency ?

You can set up individual "Memories," but would be nice to be able to use eibi directly
from the radio.

BTW: what is the latest version for SDR++. ?
does it "work" ? Worth installing if mine isn't that version ?

The R-8600 is great, but I have to admit that I really like using SDR# and a Airspy HF+Discovery.

Stay in touch.



Feb 14, 2020
All you have to do is search for SDR++ and the website should be a result.

SDR++ Website

If you are asking if the latest version of SDR++ works out of the box with the R8600. NO!
And not even performing the steps in the thread that I linked can make it work. Been there, done that.

The reality is that most of your SDR applications that work with the IC-R8600 are windows based.
The version of SDR++ that was modiifed to work with it is for Windows

I'm not going to get into a Windows vs. Linux vs. OSX war.
The majority of the SDR applications out there appear steered toward the USB dongle SDR radios that rely on a computer application to be able to use them.

The guys who go out on a limb to enable these applications to work with a "Man's Radio" are greatly appreciated.
I'm just thinking that having a Windows computer will give you much more satisfaction using your radio with SDR applications.