Anyone In or near Austin have the Astro Mobile rib programming cable? I need to program a radio.


TV News, Storm Chasing, Firefighting, Radios....
Premium Subscriber
Mar 8, 2021
Austin, Texas
I am looking for someone in the austin / central texas area who has the rib/cable setup to program my VHF P25 Astro mobile (50 watt model I think). I can write the codeplug and all that jazz, i just don't have the cable. Unless someone has a cable / rib setup they'd like to sell me, I have a computer with the serial port that'll run it. I've been in town over a month and only occasionally pick up DPS as programmed to west texas. Lots to be heard out here in central texas on P25 VHF conventional!

I also need to program a ham zone in it with all the repeaters.

I've seen a lot on ebay, but not sure which one is best suited, nor do I know I can trust any of those sellers.
