I was a AZ cop and a Fed for over two decades. Encryption does not promote officer safety or save the lives of police. It is a very casual corollary argument that it does.
Taken from the NLEOMF website:
"Firearms-related fatalities have claimed the lives of 47 officers in 2023, which represents a 25% decrease from the 63 officers killed by gunfire in 2022, yet was the leading cause of death.
Of the 47 firearms fatalities:
"9 were attempting to make an arrest
7 were handling domestic disturbance calls
6 were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances
5 were ambushed
5 were responding to robbery/burglary in-progress calls
5 were killed during traffic enforcement
2 were killed serving warrants
2 were investigating disturbance calls
2 were killed during tactical encounters
2 were killed in other circumstances
1 was a training accident
1 off duty officer intervened in a crime in progress."
Traffic fatalities:
Of the 37 traffic-related deaths:
"23 were automobile crashes
4 were motorcycle crashes
10 were struck-by fatalities"
Other MoD:
Of the 52 ‘Other Causes’ deaths in 2023:
"35 were fatal medical events
5 were related to Covid-19
3 officers fell to their death
2 were due to aircraft crashes
1 was due to a falling object
1 officer died assisting in a fire incident
1 officer drowned
1 officer was beaten to death
1 officer was stabbed to death
1 officer was struck by a train
1 officer was strangled to death."
Arizona is not a particularly deadly State for LE:
"New York experienced the largest number of law enforcement fatalities of all U.S. states in 2023, with 13 line-of-duty deaths.
Texas has the second highest number with 11 officer deaths
Louisiana had the third highest number with 8 officer deaths
California had the fourth highest number with 7 officer deaths
Indiana, and Tennessee had the fifth highest number with 6 officer deaths each
In addition, 7 federal officers, 3 officers serving US Territories, 1 military officer, and 1 tribal officer died in 2023. 10 states did not lose an officer in 2023."
The number of law enforcement professionals nationwide who died in the line of duty in 2023 decreased 39% compared to the previous year, according to preliminary data provided by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), the leading authority on officer fatalities.
Scottsdale and other agencies nationwide are using encryption overall to hide from public scrutiny. Plain and simple. The less you know, the fewer questions that will be asked - both the media and the public at large of the police and their officials.