About as far as any 57 inch piece of wire that you have laying around in your junk box.
All artificially shortened antennas are a compromise. Yes, they will "work"....but how well they work is what you have to ask.
None of them will have ANY gain....anywhere.
Yes, you can plug it in and it will receive some signals....but you will hear about as much by straitening out a coat hanger and sticking that into your antenna port.
Short antennas for longer-wave HF frequencies always produce poorish results. You'll hear strong signals, but there will be so many weak signals that you won't hear at all. HF comprises a substantial deal of weak signal work.
These things are better than nothing.....if you're stuck in an apartment or somewhere else where you can not put up a "real" outdoor antenna, or need something to take your listening show on the road and go portable.
Otherwise, I like my Miracle Whip on my beaver sandwiches....Mmmmm beaver....tastes like chicken.