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Anytone Anytone 878UVii Plus WX question??


Premium Subscriber
Apr 24, 2014
Long Island, NY
I cant for the life of me figure out how/why/what the heck this radio is doing with WX channels! There is only one setting for WX in the radio settings menu: Menu-Settings-Radio Set-Other Func-Weather Alarm, On or Off. If you program a wx freq in (162.475 for ex), the radio knows it is on the wx band and puts “wx” on the display next to the channel # it was saved into. If you set Weather Alarm to ON, and place the vfo/channel ontomthe wx channel, it puts the radio in standy mode waiting for a wx alert to be broadcast on that freq, if an alert comes on, the radio simply continues to play an alert tone until you press a key. But it never puts the radio into rx mode for that freq, unless you press the Monitor button/function. Now, if you turn the weather alarm setting off, and tune to the wx channel/freq, the radio rx’s and plays the wx broadcast, however, it breaks up every seconds if it is scanning/checking another “priority chnnel” for 1/4 second and returns to wx. Pressing and holding the monitor button on the wx chanel plays clear, full quieting un-interrupted wx broadcast, so it is not an rx issue, I’m very close to the wx station in my area.

So how do you just listen to a wx broadcast without scan/priority type breakups…? Anybody play with this on this ht? I searched bridgecoms support site but don’t see anything on it….


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2015
Antelope Acres, California
I have never dealt with the weather settings because they have always been extremely buggy. Just program the NOAA channels as normal channels, throw them in a zone, and monitor them that way. Easiest way to do it.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 24, 2014
Long Island, NY
I have never dealt with the weather settings because they have always been extremely buggy. Just program the NOAA channels as normal channels, throw them in a zone, and monitor them that way. Easiest way to do it.
Yea, agreed, and thats what I did. And when it stops on the ch., it plays audio with skips every 1/2 second or so… Like when you are scanning on a scanner and you have a priority ch turned on, and the audio skips each time it checks the pri channel. Yet, I have nothing in Pri, Pri turned off, and it does the same thing via vfo set to that same freq. The display automatically displays “wx”, and plays the rx’d audio with skips…. And if I hold the monitor button (un-squelch it), I have a perfect strong signal.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2015
Antelope Acres, California
Yea, agreed, and thats what I did. And when it stops on the ch., it plays audio with skips every 1/2 second or so… Like when you are scanning on a scanner and you have a priority ch turned on, and the audio skips each time it checks the pri channel. Yet, I have nothing in Pri, Pri turned off, and it does the same thing via vfo set to that same freq. The display automatically displays “wx”, and plays the rx’d audio with skips…. And if I hold the monitor button (un-squelch it), I have a perfect strong signal.

So you just programmed it in on its own, you're not using the weather alert? In that case, I haven't a clue. I don't have that happen on mine at all. The only issues I have seen are with the actual weather alert mode, or whatever Anytone calls it. Can you pick up more than one wx channel? Does it do it on all of them?


Premium Subscriber
Apr 24, 2014
Long Island, NY
I’ve tried using wx alert as explained, I’ve tried manually programming in the local channel, I can rx 3 separate wx stations full blast, and all 3 do the same thing. It is not a rocket science, it’s a simple analog station. Wx alert just looks for the alert tone to be sent out on any of the wx freq’s, and just informs you an alert has been issued.


Sep 9, 2007
Western Grove
I have both Anytone 868 and 878, the 868 breaks squelch and the reception is loud and clear however the 878 I have to hold the monitor quick key in order to receive. I don't particularly care about the alert function but I would like to listen without having to press the monitor button the entire time.


Sep 9, 2007
Western Grove
Sounds line you may have TSQ (tone squelch) enabled somehow. Check your CPS and make sure the squelch is set to CSQ (carrier or carrier squelch).
Actually I went in and found that I had the weather alerts turned on, turned that off and all is well!