I want to mount my antennas in the attic, run the coax across the attic(apx. 15 feet), then drop the coax through the ceiling to the radios.
My plan was to drill a hole through the ceiling big enough to fit some PVC pipe(or something similar). After drilling the hole, push the PVC pipe up through the ceiling about a foot and a half, then push the coax up through the PVC. Here is where I need help, getting the coax across the attic. Any ideas?
The reason for the PVC is so the coax doesn't get hung up in the insulation, there is about 12-18" of it.
My plan was to drill a hole through the ceiling big enough to fit some PVC pipe(or something similar). After drilling the hole, push the PVC pipe up through the ceiling about a foot and a half, then push the coax up through the PVC. Here is where I need help, getting the coax across the attic. Any ideas?
The reason for the PVC is so the coax doesn't get hung up in the insulation, there is about 12-18" of it.