I recall reading something about the owner wanting to shutter APRSdirect.com back in January. It appears that it may have occurred.
Most of the club run digipeaters advertise the local repeater. I've used that in more than one instance where I know where I am, but not in reference to nearby repeaters. Its the easy way to jump repeaters in an "unknown" area. In fact, it is the sole reason I keep the FTM400 in the car.In our metro area, all I see from APRS are weather stations, digipeaters, and a few cars moving about. Is APRS used beyond that elsewhere? Seemed like an interesting technology that never found a real need.
That's a neat idea I hadn't thought of. I recall having a 710 in the car and was excited when SmartBeaconing was released.Most of the club run digipeaters advertise the local repeater. I've used that in more than one instance where I know where I am, but not in reference to nearby repeaters. Its the easy way to jump repeaters in an "unknown" area. In fact, it is the sole reason I keep the FTM400 in the car.
For what it's worth, I don't see that here.I just checked it out, but I got a pop-up message about every 5 seconds telling me I was disconnected and asking if I wanted to re-connect.
APRS is not about vehicle tracking. It is a single information resource channel where everything that is going on in ham radio in the surrounding area can be announced and updated in real time. It presents to the viewer on his APRS radio front panel all that is happening right now, where it is, and all the info he needs to participate whether it is an event, happening, net, activity, announcement, future activity, or situation. The APRS channel is his one-stop look at everything that could be going on in the local area, and his one-stop place to post what he might be doing that might be of interest to others. APRS is not about GPS positions, it is about a situational map display of everything that is happening, and most of that is OBJECTS containing INFO on the activty and how to contact other operators.
For certain. In my area, people didn’t want to drop $600 on the D700 or D710 back in the day to have APRS. I did and my wife was able to locate me during my commute. However, since not many others bought the radios, that was pretty much all we could do.
True but that only transmits your position. It doesn’t allow you to participate in the other functions of APRS.A tracker from Argent Data or Byonics plus a used 2m radio would accomplish the APRS tracking function without buying an expensive Kenwood or Yaesu dual-band APRS radio. Granted, another radio means another antenna.