My organization uses APX6000XE (model H98UCH9PW7BN - stress on that "BN") and all button presses are "long presses" in the current codeplug specifically so that bumping buttons does not make changes while the user is moving around. On these and using APX CPS30 you only have the option for long or short presses, not long and short. Not sure if earlier version could do that or not though. We wanted it to be harder for end users to mess up their radio settings with short presses, and this had to be negotiated countywide for interoperability reasons.
It has already been a gripe for some end users that went from XTS2500 radios to these APX6000XE as enabling long press for every button can be annoying, to include the soft buttons for the bottom front display options (Zone, Mute, Scan, Batt(ery), Clck (clock), and MyID (Radio ID sent or not) being options on our radios.