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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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APX-6000 CPS R06 questions

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Oct 18, 2011
Rochester, NY
I've run into a weird situation here with our new APX-6000s and the R06 version of the CPS. What I'm finding is that when I read a radio using R06 that was programmed originally with R05 or earlier AND had the Advanced System Key checked, 3 of my 7 trunking systems are greyed out in the Clone Radio window. If I bring up the same template in R05, they are yellow where I can change the IDs.

We have also noticed that if you uncheck the ASK required box in R06, you can change those IDs as well. Any ideas? What has changed between R05 and R06 that is causing this? This is going to be a hassle when we swap radios in the near future when they need to go back to Motorola for repair.



Sep 11, 2002
Motorola dosnt care about ASKs, they have the materials to work arround them.

I have checked my system and am able to edit all trunking feilds. It sounds like someone messed up in the software. The systems your refering to are acting the reverse of the check mark. You still need the ASK to edit the fields.


Oct 18, 2011
Rochester, NY
I'm not worried about Motorola having a problem with the ASKs. What I am concerned with is when a radio comes in that needs to be cloned BEFORE it is sent to Motorola for repair. What I'm finding is that when you read an hardware encrypted APX-6000 in R06, there are 3 of our trunking systems that are greyed out in the Clone Radio window.

I have found a workaround but would rather have a solution. The workaround is to uncheck the ASK required box, change the IDs in the Clone Radio window, then go and recheck the ASK required box. Then open the Clone Radio window and clone the radio. This isn't too bad when you have one radio to do, but if you have multiple radios, it can be a hassle.

What I've also found is that if I read a hardware encrypted radio and go to change the IDs in the radio, I have the same problem. This happened earlier today. I had a radio that was assigned to one of our CSU officers, but he was pulled from CSU and another officer took his place. I had to change that radio from his IDs to the new officer's IDs. In this particular case, I just reloaded the CSU Template, but it would have been just as easy to read his radio and change the IDs.

Still would like a solution, if there is one. This may just be a programming error in the CPS.


Sep 17, 2004
NJ USA (Republic of NJ)
I'm not worried about Motorola having a problem with the ASKs. What I am concerned with is when a radio comes in that needs to be cloned BEFORE it is sent to Motorola for repair. What I'm finding is that when you read an hardware encrypted APX-6000 in R06, there are 3 of our trunking systems that are greyed out in the Clone Radio window.

I have found a workaround but would rather have a solution. The workaround is to uncheck the ASK required box, change the IDs in the Clone Radio window, then go and recheck the ASK required box. Then open the Clone Radio window and clone the radio. This isn't too bad when you have one radio to do, but if you have multiple radios, it can be a hassle.

What I've also found is that if I read a hardware encrypted radio and go to change the IDs in the radio, I have the same problem. This happened earlier today. I had a radio that was assigned to one of our CSU officers, but he was pulled from CSU and another officer took his place. I had to change that radio from his IDs to the new officer's IDs. In this particular case, I just reloaded the CSU Template, but it would have been just as easy to read his radio and change the IDs.

Still would like a solution, if there is one. This may just be a programming error in the CPS.

You need to open up a case number with motorola and get them to start
working on a fix. I know they have had a lot of problems with the software
for these new apx radios and it seems they keep breaking things as they
fix other problems.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 17, 2010
are you running 6.00 or 6.01? the .01 was released really quickly after 6.00 was. i noticed today that 6.00 was feezing up and acting strange when i was programming a couple 7500's. i did a quick install of 6.01 and had no issues. i was cloning and only have 3 trunk systems, but all worked as normal. i did have my ASK for each system loaded and plugged up at the time, maybe your 3 keys did not load?


Oct 22, 2009
Dumb question, but did you have all the ASKs for the 7 systems loaded? I assume all 7 systems have a ASK and you are not using any software keys? If there are soft keys, maybe the key folder for those systems changed in the 6.0 install?
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Sep 11, 2002
I have looked at the software. The problem is in v6.00.00.

to do what you want un check the affected systems and the radio will clone and program correctly.

The only reason I mentioned ASKs being needed is to prvent others from thinking that they could edit the feilds without a ASK being present (you would be surprised who reads these forums).


Oct 18, 2011
Rochester, NY
I am running 6.0.1 and yes, all 7 system keys are loaded. I did open a ticket with Motorola, but I haven't heard anything from them. The template uses both ASKs and software keys and both sets are loaded.
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