Unlike the rest of the country, Arizona does NOT observe daylight savings. Therefore, when the switch happened last week, it set back all of our archive times by 1 hour. Can someone fix this? Thanks.
Unlike the rest of the country, Arizona does NOT observe daylight savings. Therefore, when the switch happened last week, it set back all of our archive times by 1 hour. Can someone fix this? Thanks.
Your user profile probably still has the default setting for DST (automatically adjust for daylights savings time).
I think you misunderstood the question... If you go to an Arizona archive right now (835pm MST) it says the newest file is 722pm. If you go to Arizona right now (where it's also 835pm MST) the latest file is 822pm.
There is a bug in the system, it says the Arizona archives are in MDT.
Doh! Lol... I've rolled a fix to properly account for that proper notation.