Quoting the Ranger website:
"Can I afford it?
As an all-volunteer organization, individuals who join the Arizona Rangers receive no monetary compensations or reimbursements for their service. Rangers provide their own uniforms, duty gear, weapons, and ammunition. They are responsible for their own transportation to duty locations anywhere in the State as well as monthly company dues."
Quoted from: (Duties as a Ranger – Arizona Rangers. (2023). azrangers.us. Retrieved September 24, 2023, from Duties as a Ranger – Arizona Rangers)
Since they are paying for their own gear and many are retirees or young people, the APX series of radios are effectively out of reach, as are the XTS, the XPR, and even the Waris series. Programming is a problem for non-technical people, batteries can be an issue, etc.
The old Sprint PTT network was probably their best choice, but it's long gone now.
For what they do and what they can legally do, hobby radios are fine.