ARscanning on Twitter (Alerts)

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Dec 19, 2002
Central Arkansas
ARscanning is now an active user name on Twitter. The system is set up for the purpose of posting significant Police/Fire events in Arkansas. Examples are SWAT callouts, Police Pursuits, Manhunts, Hazmat Incidents, Train Derailments, Plane Crashes, MAC Call (AWIN) activations, etc. Use your judgement to determine if the incident you are monitoring would be considered a significant event.

This is still in it's infancy and the bugs will be worked out as the system is used.

Any questions/comments, please direct them to Bill at

*Note* At this time, the "Find People" option on Twitter is not locating the user name. You will need to go under "Help", scroll down to "Find people using keywords, location, interests, and more!" section and follow it down to "Advanced Search"...Then under the "Peope" portion of the "Advanced Search" option, enter "ARscanning" in the "From this person" field. It will show postings from the ARscanning user name. Click on the user name and click "follow" and you should be following it.

I understand the above is as clear as doing your taxes but until the ARscanning shows up on the "People Search", this is the only way to find the user.
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