154.81500 91.5 PL Buncombe Fire Paging (Also Fire Backup)
That is Fire Tone Out for Buncombe County
158.8200 151.4 PL Asheville Fire Dispatch (Patched to TRS)
That is the VHF Tone Out for Asheville Fire/Rescue
856.2625 800 MHz Tone Out for Asheville Fire/Rescue *Uses DPL, I think its 074*
857.9875 800 MHz Conventional Fire Ground/Tactical for Asheville Fire/Rescue *Uses DPL, I think also 074*
Oh you mean the actual 2 Tone Code....
**All departments use the MOT 2 tone group except Weaverville which uses MOT 5**
Weaverville uses 5 tone grouping so remember to switch settings for them.
I can't see an listing for AFR, so if you put it in search mode, you should be able to find it. Once you do, please add it to the wiki, or post it here so one of us can. TY!