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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Astro Saber/XTS2500

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 23, 2004
I have an Astro Saber UHF and recently found out that it is capable of picking up a digital trunked system. If at all, I would want to look into having it programmed to receive only. How many systems can be programmed into that radio? It is a model 3 with over 200 channel capacity. Say for example there are two separate UHF digital trunked systems, could they both be programmed into that radio? Again receive only, not for transmitting. Same question for the XTS2500 as I am looking into getting of of those also.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 23, 2004
Thank you for the info and quick response, I greatly appreciate it.


Dec 7, 2010
Volusia County, Florida
Programming a Astro Spectra

Hey EMT,
An Astro Spectra can't just be programmed for RX only unlike a GE Macom Radio.
In CPS you have to put it into low power mode. I have a 800mhz Astro Saber on a Smartzone system setup for Rx only here is what I did just to give you a idea.

I removed the PA(power Amp) Change the transmit button to scan zone and programmed the radio in low power the radio is only puts out about 3watts so with the mod's I did it it's like half a watt if even that so it wont hit the tower to log in.

Any time you have a moto trunking system the radio will log in. That's what I have found out just make sure you figure out your set up before programming if it logs in and a system report is run your radio could become a brick. Also if not moded it could declare a emergency and you don't want that.

is this a business or public safety system?


Dec 7, 2010
Volusia County, Florida
Another Note.

Just be careful as to what you do, not sure if you’re in public safety? AS your user name says EMT.
But never jeopardize a radio system or allow your radio to cause interference on a public safety system. It can put officers and firefighters in serious danger. Not to mention the FOX Squad of the FCC in there black trucks with G series plates coming after you. It’s a Federal Crime to talk on any radio system regardless of what or who uses it if you’re not an authorized system user and the radio is not programmed by the radio shop.

Ok, just wanted to put that out there, as a Volunteer Firefighter I would be very upset if a fellow firefighter was in danger and could not get a critical message out because of a person playing on a trunked radio system.

If you have any questions or need any advice on the radio just let me know.
Nov 6, 2009
I have an Astro Saber UHF and recently found out that it is capable of picking up a digital trunked system. If at all, I would want to look into having it programmed to receive only. How many systems can be programmed into that radio? It is a model 3 with over 200 channel capacity. Say for example there are two separate UHF digital trunked systems, could they both be programmed into that radio? Again receive only, not for transmitting. Same question for the XTS2500 as I am looking into getting of of those also.

the best way of doing it is to set it up as if it is going to be used on a real system
then change the transmit frequencys to where you are alowwed to transmit or modify you cps to allow out of band transmit and use a tx frequency where the radio goes out of lock
in australia we program the tx for UHF CB so it will never transmit on a real system
you should also program a switch for tx inhibit this will get rid of no comms error
on the xts2500 it is important to use a conventional channel to scan from or it will miss some transmittions
i have been using a xts2500 on a smartzone network(a very large network) and it works great and if for some reason you tx it never affilates to the system !!!
Nov 6, 2009
pick a id such as a base station as the chances of this being killed is unlikley if you set it up as i have said you will never affilate and cause interferance to user on the system which could be emergancy services


Database Admin
Jun 5, 2002
Hubert, NC
He mentioned that his Astro Saber is UHF, so he can very easily monitor the system to never affiliate. Other Band Trunking (OBT) requires a lot more info than standard 800 MHz systems, i.e., number of ranges and the start and stop frequencies as well as all of the control channel frequencies. This data varies greatly and as long as the transmit data is not programmed, he'll be fine.

He'd have to set it to affiliate on PTT and then set it to TX inhibit as well to keep from transmitting, even if it is the wrong frequency.

Yes, you can put more than one trunking system into that radio.
Nov 6, 2009
He mentioned that his Astro Saber is UHF, so he can very easily monitor the system to never affiliate. Other Band Trunking (OBT) requires a lot more info than standard 800 MHz systems, i.e., number of ranges and the start and stop frequencies as well as all of the control channel frequencies. This data varies greatly and as long as the transmit data is not programmed, he'll be fine.

He'd have to set it to affiliate on PTT and then set it to TX inhibit as well to keep from transmitting, even if it is the wrong frequency.

Yes, you can put more than one trunking system into that radio.

in australia 800 mhz system for emergancy services are not used.400mhz systems are used mainly smartzone omnilink mixed mode and p25 systems
there is a few diffrent ways the xts2500 can be set up
there is also a bit of information on batlabs
never used astro saber from what i understand the xts3000 is similar


Premium Subscriber
Nov 23, 2004
Just to clarify, I am in fact law enforcement here in NJ, My screen name dates back over eight years ago when I was an emt, but regardless, it was just a question. I would never want to put a fellow officer or firefighter in any kind of danger. I was only curious because I have an Astro Saber collecting dust that I wanted to put to good use. I know of a coworker who programmed one of his portables to a newer uhf digital system and I was under the impression that was a huge "no no" so to speak so that is also what sparked my curiosity. I'm sure I can find another use for my radio and as far as my monitoring goes, I'll stick to my grecom scanner. Thanks again to all for the replies.
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