well I'll tell you, Here's what burns me up... The county here has always had TWO regular VHF channels, One for SO (159.210) and one for city PD (151.040) well a couple of months ago there was an add in our local paper where the city already owns some uhf trunked channels, they have some leased sites already for city/county comms, and the city only, not county, just city applied to FCC for a new VHF TRUNK SYSTEM because the one channel they already have is not enough... WHY??? You already have the UHF system in place, SWAP TO IT, OR GO AHEAD and make the switch to AWIN NOW>> instead of waiting....!! Now they'll have THREE systems instead of the already two which they don't use but one of.... One thing that gets me though, When the traffic comes over the VHF channel you can hear it also on the UHF 400 channel BUT when they talk on the 400 you can't hear it on the VHF...I hear county sometimes say go to secondary..I have not found their secondary channel yet, Someone suggested it was the UHF but I've not confirmed yet...I say if they're going to swap, Swap to AWIN NOW and get it over with otherwise they'll just end up swapping again later!