Baker Peak tower seems to be up as of today, control channel is 859.2625, Site ID appears to be 092ch-029. I've heard radio tech's keying up on tg's 36688, 37548. Coming in loud and clear in Elk City.
Nothing so far today, I believe they may have trouble getting up to the tower with all the rain were having. I'm home all day and I'm monitoring the tower for new talkgroups.
I see you moved it to active PJ, great! btw, I can even hear the cc with my 246t in the house. Really good spot for a tower, next to the windmills.
Nothing so far today, I believe they may have trouble getting up to the tower with all the rain were having. I'm home all day and I'm monitoring the tower for new talkgroups.
I see you moved it to active PJ, great! btw, I can even hear the cc with my 246t in the house. Really good spot for a tower, next to the windmills.
Hey I'm glad you guys are getting some much needed coverage out there in the West! Also, I didn't move it to the active site, our favorite admin Fast2OKC moved it there. All I did is request for it to go there but if Fast2, doesn't like it or think it's legit or a good idea he won't do it. There you have it and enjoy!