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Band Opening 11 Meters!

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Dec 27, 2015
11 Meters opening tonight 8:30 PM Eastern time in the East coast on 38 LSB!!

What's that mean. I've been trying to play with my side bands lately and I'm an east coaster. If that's some sort of event where ppl get together on air i'll look out for the next one. I know it's not complicated to set your two little knobs to send and receive on frequency but I still could use more practice dialing in my side bands if I could get with ppl that actually want to talk.


Apr 3, 2014
What's that mean. I've been trying to play with my side bands lately and I'm an east coaster. If that's some sort of event where ppl get together on air i'll look out for the next one. I know it's not complicated to set your two little knobs to send and receive on frequency but I still could use more practice dialing in my side bands if I could get with ppl that actually want to talk.
Well I keep a SSB rig tuned to CH 38 LSB, and wait for signals to break the squelch. I also check QSO/SWL real time maps - W2LN - 50 to monitor band conditions on nearby 10 meters. 11 meters can open up almost any time, and because of the cycle it will be closed more often then not nowadays, so one has to be quite vigilant! :)


Dec 27, 2015
Well I keep a SSB rig tuned to CH 38 LSB, and wait for signals to break the squelch. I also check QSO/SWL real time maps - W2LN - 50 to monitor band conditions on nearby 10 meters. 11 meters can open up almost any time, and because of the cycle it will be closed more often then not nowadays, so one has to be quite vigilant! :)

I'm in saint clairsville oh and I'm only pushing 42 watts through my 8 foot whip. Do you think I could reach you from here under normal conditions not having a kicker?


Apr 3, 2014
I'm in saint clairsville oh and I'm only pushing 42 watts through my 8 foot whip. Do you think I could reach you from here under normal conditions not having a kicker?
Not when the band is closed. However when the band opens up, you can reach stations hundreds of miles away with only 5 watts, especially when using SSB!! ;)


Dec 27, 2015
Not when the band is closed. However when the band opens up, you can reach stations hundreds of miles away with only 5 watts, especially when using SSB!! ;)

What does that mean that the channel is open? I looked at the linked map but i dont know what im looking at


Oct 23, 2016
Clinton Iowa
I'm in saint clairsville oh and I'm only pushing 42 watts through my 8 foot whip. Do you think I could reach you from here under normal conditions not having a kicker?
. Kicker?? Oh you mean an Amplifier ?? That's ILLEGAL for you, as well as your so called 42 watts!! READ the rules!


Dec 13, 2007
Mojave Ca
Hello Gniederb and all: When the channel or band is open it means DX (long Distance) stations can be heard from hundreds to thousands of miles away. These DX stations have their signals skip or bounce off the atmosphere allowing stations to communicate long distances. Yes its worth a try to shoot a little skip.

Yeah that web site will only indicate ham radio channels, but if you click on the 28MHz button, it will show the 10 meter band which is the same as the CB Band for theses skip DX conditions.

I put my 5/8 wavelength ground plane antenna up another 30 feet, and wow what a increase in hearing whats out there. Got to see a guy who is selling a 80 ft tower with a 21 foot mast today.

Jay in the Great Mojave Desert


Mar 12, 2014
Jaymojave - Do you encounter skip on CB in your area? I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area and although I'm not a CB guy, I tune my Yaesu HF radio to 11M (it's completely stock so it's receive only) When I see that on the forums that skip on CB is active. I never hear any activity on the typical DX frequencies that the Cb'ers use. Mainly I'm just curious if it's primarily an east coast thing.


Apr 3, 2014
Band openings can often be widespread. When the noise levels significantly increase on CH 19 (27.185 Mhz), it usually indicates an opening. However, a great deal of the skip activity occurs on CH 38 lower sideband (27.385 Mhz), so by keeping a radio tuned and squelched on 38 LSB, you would quickly be alerted to any band openings.


Dec 13, 2007
Mojave Ca
Yo B2: Well if the radio is receive only for 11 meters, it should pick up some signals from the local stations and some skip stations, even if the antenna isn't tuned for 11. Are your receiving any stations any were? Theres a bunch of stations in the SF area.

No not just east coast thing, sounds like the radio isn't really working on the 11 meter band. You should be able to hear stations ant were in the country. Hard to give good advice not being there to see your set up.

Jay in the Great Mojave Desert

QUOTE=bharvey2;2674456]Jaymojave - Do you encounter skip on CB in your area? I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area and although I'm not a CB guy, I tune my Yaesu HF radio to 11M (it's completely stock so it's receive only) When I see that on the forums that skip on CB is active. I never hear any activity on the typical DX frequencies that the Cb'ers use. Mainly I'm just curious if it's primarily an east coast thing.[/QUOTE]


Mar 12, 2014
Jay/Spacemann - Thanks for the response. As far as antennas go, I don't really have anything geared toware 11m. I don get stations once in a while that I can identify as local since I recognize some of the voices from local HAM/GMRS frequencies. Periodically, I hear a guy on ch 6 AM that is booming - Probably heating his house with the amp he's using.

Again, I'm not much of a CB guy, Pretty much lost interest by the 80s but I tune in once in a while to see what's going on. From the forums, it seems that most guys talking about picking up skip seem to be east coast so I thought I'd ask someone reputable on the west. Thanks again.


Apr 3, 2014
Jay/Spacemann - Thanks for the response. As far as antennas go, I don't really have anything geared toware 11m. I don get stations once in a while that I can identify as local since I recognize some of the voices from local HAM/GMRS frequencies. Periodically, I hear a guy on ch 6 AM that is booming - Probably heating his house with the amp he's using.

Again, I'm not much of a CB guy, Pretty much lost interest by the 80s but I tune in once in a while to see what's going on. From the forums, it seems that most guys talking about picking up skip seem to be east coast so I thought I'd ask someone reputable on the west. Thanks again.
There's a pretty good online 11 meter receiver in the SF-Sacramento area. You can get a good idea of the activity by listening to it and comparing it to yours! The website is: www.CBradioClub.com/san-francisco-bay-ca.html It's usually most active late afternoons or in the evening. Check it out! :)


Mar 12, 2014
Spacemann, Huh, who'd a thought of such a thing? Guess it just shows how out of touch I am with things CB. I just took a look and all that is showing is a black rectangle. I'm guessing that turns into a video stream of someone's radio when it is active? Thanks for taking the time to post the link. I'll give it a try some evening when I get some radio time. (Rare as they seem to be these days) last time I had my HF rig on was during the ARRL sweepstakes. Things were hopping then!


Apr 3, 2014
Spacemann, Huh, who'd a thought of such a thing? Guess it just shows how out of touch I am with things CB. I just took a look and all that is showing is a black rectangle. I'm guessing that turns into a video stream of someone's radio when it is active? Thanks for taking the time to post the link. I'll give it a try some evening when I get some radio time. (Rare as they seem to be these days) last time I had my HF rig on was during the ARRL sweepstakes. Things were hopping then!
It's basically just a receiver, and the S-meter will go up when signals are coming in! Keep it on for a while, and you'll begin hearing activity when the locals start coming on frequency! :)


Apr 3, 2014
Looks like we have another band opening tonight on 11 meters. Activity on 38 LSB East Coast 8 PM.
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