KC2VNV Needs Help PLEEEEZ... DM/DR-1801
NO Device ID(s)!
examples: (not seen on my computer)
USB\VID_067B&PID_2303 (for the infamous prolific chip)
USB\VID_0403&PID_6001 (FTDI) USB High Speed Serial Converter
I Have A DR-1801uv radio and the DM-1801A6 CPS (software)
and A RD-DMR Cable from BlueMax49ers. the cable seems to be
the right one. the problem is the computer I use running
windows seven will not Find or Install ANY USB driver for
the DR-1801 when it is plugged in. I would expect it to show
up with a usb port but it fails every time.
I Need a pathway as to the usb driver windows normally uses
to talk to the DR-1801 or the DM-1801. they have their own USB
in the radio right? Not Prolific, Not FTDI. The device description,
hardware id's, manufacturer name, and product name that show up
when Just the DR-1801 or DM-1801 are plugged into the usb port
would go a long way towards tracking down the device driver/data
I am missing. That of course is device manager data seen via the
control panel in ms windows.
at the moment I have no useable radio or cable. programming huh?
looking for: USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX for the DM-1801 and or
the DR-1801. This data tells what chip is in the radio for USB. And
you have a straight through cable for these radios, no chip in the
Windows Example:
all control panel items;Devices and printers; right click on usb device;
properties->hardware->properties->Details->(use drop down)Hardware IDS