Hello. I have one thing to ask about my BC796D, I am hoping anyone on here can answer for me.
On my 796 when I am scanning the conventional channels and when it stops on a active channel, even though I have the delay for these channels set to 4 Seconds. I am noticing and this has been going on since I had the radio or for a long time anyways. That when it stops on a active conventional channel, sometimes it will stay on that channel until they are done talking and the other times it will just continue scanning while that person just started talking or while he/she is talking and when it does this, I am missing some or most of the conversation when it does this, by the time it gets back to that channel again.
Because it should stay on that channel until the person is done talking just like it does on a PRO 96, etc.
So I am just wondering if anyone on here who owns and uses a BC796D scanner, if you have the same problem or if it's just my 796 that does this and what the problem might be and if there is a way to fix it.
I will be waiting for any replies to this post. Thanks.