Based on what I see from the two images:
2 line 16 character alpha tags on display, but no dedicated frequency line, probably an alternating option with the channel tag?
Trunk Tracker 3 technology: Motorola, EDACS, LTR.
Volume/squelch knob, VFO-type selector knob; but seperate power button?
Essentially from what I see more of the 780-like portable we have always been missing. Hopefully not stripped down too much. I hope we will have CTCSS/DCS. Not going to be a digital, hence just the "T" designation as opposed to the new digital scanners with the "D" . . . Physically looks to have some resemblance to the RS Pro-99 as well . . . when it comes to size, form factor, two-tone coloring, simplicity and such . . .
Bare minimum when it comes to the buttoms that I see. Standard 12 buttons for the digits plus decimal point and enter. Only four (six?) other real buttons: Hold, Scan, L/O, Light?, (5-Power on/off?), (6-a Function/Menu type button on left side of radio?; psuedo-PTT type placement). Some of the physical buttons do have typical secondary functions assigned to them (Pri, Wx, Srch, Rcl?, Rev, Att, Keylock). The numeric keypad also looks as may double as menu navigation toggle pad type funtionality as < > arrows and "No", "Yes" buttons. Unfortuently does not look as they the buttons will be backlit.
I also see what is hopefully a cover for computer control/programming interface on right side of radio. Maybe they made this radio small enough to take AA batteries instead of the battery pack?
Any other thoughts or hopes for this unit?