I own 2 BC365CRS radios (got one for free, and the other was only $74). I would say they are not more sensitive than my BC996P2 radios (don’t own a 436 so can’t give a comparison to it’s sensitivity), so I would not expect strong signals from farther distances.
The audio isn’t “clearer” than the more expensive scanner, and of course the 365 doesn’t receive the AM broadcast band as the earlier 370 model did. On the air band, it is on par with my 996P2. I don’t have any squelch issues with additional noise on AM receive versus FM. I do have a higher incidence of intermod interference on the 365, even with a Par 152 mHz notch filter in line, so it‘s rejection is not as good as the more expensive scanners.
I think in this case, you get what you pay for...a modest analog scanner that works as expected for the price, and has a kind-of clock radio built in. But it certainly doesn’t do anything better than my 996P2 scanners, and it is about on par with my 30 year old Bearcat 300 scanners (which have been recapped and had receiver alignments). Interestingly, my old scanners (Bearcat 300 and Bearcat 210XLT) are more sensitive on VHF low band receive than the modern scanners, but that is due to the broadband RX of new scanners (with the emphasis on 800 mHz receive no doubt).