BC780XLT + WIN780 + Trunking + n00b = confusion

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Jan 5, 2006
Hoffman Estates, IL USA
BC780XLT + WINSCAN780 + Trunking + n00b = confusion

For some reason, I just CAN'T figure out how to program Trunking in my 780. I THINK I understand trunking, but I just CAN'T seem to wrap my head around translating info from RadioReference into what to program into the 780... and what I'm supposed to be aware of (in the RadioReference data and what gets entered into where). Anyone have a good primer on translating the info as displayed on RadioReference into what and where it gets entered into my 780? I mean, programming non-trunking freq's is a piece of cake. It's just the Trunking that's giving me headaches.... Oh... And... I'll take links to doing it manually or using WinScan780.

Thank you all in advance.
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Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
It has been so long since I've programmed trunked systems on the 780XLT that I have forgotten. As you said, analog channels are easy!
What made me forget was using ProScan.
ProScan will import directly into the 780 from RadioReference including all types of trunking systems as long as the 780 supports them.

Of course you need a premium subscription to RR and ProScan is not free.
I do highly recommend ProScan though as it works with most of the Uniden scanners since the 780 was made. Plus the license allows you to install it on two computers. It also gives you the ability to control the scanner from the computer or over an internet connection - audio and all but the audio levels cannot be changed on the older scanners but if using it over the internet, then you can adjust the audio on the remote end.

It makes programming trunked systems very easy on the 780XLT!

About the only thing I do remember is that you needed to select the trunk system type from the very beginning when you were adding the system frequencies. If you goofed, I don't think you could go back and change the trunk type or select a trunk type if you accidently forgot to set that when you first started entering the frequencies.
I'm not sure if ProScan offers a functional trial but if so, you may want to check it out as it may have the ability to change the system type from the software.

Good Luck! The 780's are nice scanners also. Many love them for both civil and military air band monitoring.


Jan 5, 2006
Hoffman Estates, IL USA
Thanks kruser for the reply and suggestions. I'll definitely check out ProScan.

I think what I'm looking for, at the moment, is just a primer on how to translate the RadioReference trunking data displayed on their pages into how to program the BC780XLT (either manually or through WinScan780) without throwing more money at the problem.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
You really don't need to know all that much. As long as the system type is supported by the scanner, then just using the RR web import does a lot of the work for you. You would need to buy a subscription (cheap) for this to work.

It would help, however, if we knew what it was you were trying to program. How about the URLs from the database for those systems, so we all know what you're talking about?

best regards..Mike


Jan 5, 2006
Hoffman Estates, IL USA
OK, ka3jjz. Thanks for the reply. Let's start here: Northwest Central Dispatch - NWCD Analog (Cook) Trunking System, Hoffman Estates, Illinois - Scanner Frequencies

What frequencies do I enter? Just the primaries? Alternates? All of them? and where? in any bank/channel?

And then talkgroups - how do they get associated with the frequencies I just entered? and am I entering the decimal or the hex id's?

So many questions... I'm just confused by it all... I just want some clear primer on how to take this information and enter it. I don't mind doing the labor of doing it all manually. I just want to understand/translate the data into what I need to do.
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