My BCD436HP was purchased a year ago last Christmas. It has worked flawlessly up until now. I put it on the USB to charge and it showed a battery error. Batteries wont take a charge. I put in some fresh AA alkalines. The scanner seemed to work fine but the keypad and display seemed to be quite warm. So were the new batteries. They did not last very long. The scanner works fine with no batteries and running on the USB charger. They keypad, the display and the charger are all running at a warmer temperature than was normal. This would would appear to be a problem with the scanner and not the batteries or charger.
Am I looking at an impeding Uniden meltdown and impending fireball? Is this a known problem and is it repairable or am I looking at an expensive item for the electronics recycler?
One year of light usage i as pretty disappointing service life.
Am I looking at an impeding Uniden meltdown and impending fireball? Is this a known problem and is it repairable or am I looking at an expensive item for the electronics recycler?
One year of light usage i as pretty disappointing service life.