BCD325P2/BCD996P2: BCD996P2 - cannot scan P25

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Jan 15, 2003
I am having problems scanning the Maryland FIRST system. I have owned the scanner for a few years. I loaded the sites using ProScan after I purchased the unit and has worked fine since. I haven't touched the programming since I purchased it. Last week I noticed I wasn't picking up anything, at the time I don't have any conventional systems, I only scan the FIRST system. I powered down the unit and turned it back on and it seemed to work fine until earlier this week. Now it has stopped scanning again.

I finally got some time to take a look. I started by upgrading the firmware from 1.10.01 to 1.10.02. From reading the firmware notes I understand the affected issues doesn't affect me but I figured I would start there. No luck. I then opened ProScan and downloaded the nearby systems and TGID's using a RadioReference import and uploaded to the scanner. I also deleted the previous settings on the scanner as part of the upload process. Still no luck. I added a few nearby conventional frequencies to confirm these work. I can pick up transmissions on the conventional freq. still nothing on the P25 system. I also tried Freescan to confirm there wasn't an issue with the config being sent from ProScan but I had the same results with Freescan.

I have good signal strength when I scan the P25 systems as showing from the bars at the top of the screen on the scanner. I also assigned quick keys to each of the sites and I have them selected. I have the squelch set to 2. I understand the simulcast issues with the BCD996P2 but I almost always pick up some transmission on these channels. I don't know if its a underlying hardware issue or something I'm doing wrong. It seems odd it started in the last week and then sort of fixed itself and then stopped again.

Thanks in advance for the help.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
I am having problems scanning the Maryland FIRST system. I have owned the scanner for a few years. I loaded the sites using ProScan after I purchased the unit and has worked fine since. I haven't touched the programming since I purchased it. Last week I noticed I wasn't picking up anything, at the time I don't have any conventional systems, I only scan the FIRST system. I powered down the unit and turned it back on and it seemed to work fine until earlier this week. Now it has stopped scanning again.
I have good signal strength when I scan the P25 systems as showing from the bars at the top of the screen on the scanner. I also assigned quick keys to each of the sites and I have them selected. I have the squelch set to 2. I understand the simulcast issues with the BCD996P2 but I almost always pick up some transmission on these channels. I don't know if its a underlying hardware issue or something I'm doing wrong. It seems odd it started in the last week and then sort of fixed itself and then stopped again.

You have too good signal strength. That's a Phase II system with simulcast, and you're aware that a 996p2 has issues with simulcast...it'll work and then it won't.

I help an agency use a system for zello, it's a 996p2. It works for days or weeks at a time, then it stops. Someone walks in the room and it'll work better, they leave and it will work worse..or vice versa. Sadly, it's the price you pay for using equipment that isn't designed for a particular scope of work.

If they made a change to a site, and now your "it's worked for years" location is getting more signal than it used to...boom, problems.

Hate to say it, but yeah...you're doing something wrong and there is an underlying hardware issue. You need hardware designed to deal with simulcast, the 996p2 isn't the best at it, and you're seeing first hand.
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Jan 27, 2008
middletown, pa.
try moving the scanner to a different location in the building or room and see what happens.

secondly if you are the telescopic antenna make sure the antenna is set for the frequency range you are trying to receive, ex. (6 inches for 450 mhz, 18 inches for 150 mhz, ). the lower you go in frequency the longer the antenna needs to be and vice versa..


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
My BCD996P2 does not like the FIRST system at all. The only radios that will reliably receive it are the Uniden SDS100/SDS200 scanners and Unication G4/G5 pagers. All other scanners fail miserably and I have tried them all. You are a victim of simulcast distortion and the only solution is to get a radio designed to receive simulcast sites. The SDS100 and SDS200 were specifically designed to receive simulcast sites which plague all of the older scanners. What is your city and county in Maryland?


Mar 19, 2006
St. Augustine Fl
You don't mention your antenna setup, and that can be a big problem with simulcast. I've found that "reworking" the antenna can help. I'm using an outdoor 800Mhz Yagi, that is pointed at the closest site. Even with that occasionally the scanner will stop decoding even with good signal from time to time. I've found that brushing off minor corrosion on the antenna helps, also making sure no moisture has managed to get into the antenna, connections, or coax. P25 Also try to verify they haven't changed the control channel to one you don't have programmed.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Is it possible the site you normally monitor is down, and now you are being subjected to simulcast from the other towers? It has happened to me. As soon as the maintenance was completed, everything went back to normal.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
I am having problems scanning the Maryland FIRST system
Please attach your FreeSCAN or ProScan file with the FIRST system so that we can take a look at it and check for errors. You will need to zip the file to be able to attach it. Click on Attach files and open the zipped file. It would help to know your city and state to determine the best site or sites.
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