I have searched around and could not find the answer to this question. If I define say 3 systems A (quick key 1) B (quick key 2) C (qk 3). Now say they are loaded in I believe looking like below when the priority scan is done what should the order (priority) of those channels be? Say I get a hit onSystem A Group X channel 123.000 should another hit on System A Group Y channel 122.00 overide it because it does? Yet System A Group X or Y priority channel will overide System B Group X channel 110? So does it go in System order but channle order ignoring group order within a system? Yes there is a max scan priority greater then the number of priority channels so it is not grouping that way.
System A
Group X
Channel 123.000 priority
Channel 124.000
Group Y
Channel 122.000 priority
System B
Group X
Channel 110.000 priority
System C
Group X
Channel 127.000 priority
Channel 128.000
Group Y
Channel 129.000 priority
System A
Group X
Channel 123.000 priority
Channel 124.000
Group Y
Channel 122.000 priority
System B
Group X
Channel 110.000 priority
System C
Group X
Channel 127.000 priority
Channel 128.000
Group Y
Channel 129.000 priority