ok..so bertuccis on the berlin tpk. was just robbed about 20 minutes ago (about 0:05) at this point...have been monitoring the incident from newingtons LTR and csp analog hotlines...my question is that they called in various k-9 units in...as of right now hartford, rocky hill, wethersfield, berlin and csp have sent in units and dogs...there has ben a lot of relaying through dispatchers...wouldnt that be the time to use all of these interopability channels recently (and not recently) implemented? it seems like the flow of information would be much quicker...for example in this specific incident there was a hartford officer that saw one direction of travel and a berlin unit saw a diffrent direction of travel. by the time that the information got to scene command no one knew who was right...had these frequencies been used might the information been disssemintated quicker and more accurately (its like playing that old telephone game)? i dont know...maybe i have the wrong impression of how this system is supposed to be used? if that is the case could someone correct me...at least it makes for some interesting listening...no shots were fired (as of yet) and 3 of the 4 suspects are apprehended as of yet (0:20) store manager claims that it might have been a paint ball gun.