I noticed in the database A lot of the berwick, South berwick freqs are incorrect.
Here it is,
Berwick pd repeater 153.980 ok 85.4. Tied in with,
South berwick pd repeater 155.835 pl 192.8
Those freqs are POLICE only...
Then it goes to Sanford via uhf relay. 460.0625 pl 192.8..
_-------+ Police only --------
Now, the fire departments ONLY.
Berwick is still 156.5575 pl 110.9....
South berwick is still 156.2175 pl 192.8..
Those 2 FIRE freqs combine into a uhf relay. 460.4375. Pl. 192.8.
Oh yeah!!! South berwick fire tac 151.835. DCS 343. Not a P.L!
_---- fire department ONLY--------
Now for the real mind boggler.I
Sad 35 bus in South berwick was listed as the same frequency that southern Maine fire notification uses!! 464.850... Really??
The south berwick busses are on 464. "9" 50.... Pl 162.2...
DPW time!!
South berwick is, and was always on 153.755 pl 192.8. Simplex...
BEREICK dpw is 155.0775 dc 251, like it was when I made a post called Berwick fun.... Obviously someone didn't read it.. .
South berwick town wide is accurate, hooray. 156.295. Dcs 343.
Here it is,
Berwick pd repeater 153.980 ok 85.4. Tied in with,
South berwick pd repeater 155.835 pl 192.8
Those freqs are POLICE only...
Then it goes to Sanford via uhf relay. 460.0625 pl 192.8..
_-------+ Police only --------
Now, the fire departments ONLY.
Berwick is still 156.5575 pl 110.9....
South berwick is still 156.2175 pl 192.8..
Those 2 FIRE freqs combine into a uhf relay. 460.4375. Pl. 192.8.
Oh yeah!!! South berwick fire tac 151.835. DCS 343. Not a P.L!
_---- fire department ONLY--------
Now for the real mind boggler.I
Sad 35 bus in South berwick was listed as the same frequency that southern Maine fire notification uses!! 464.850... Really??
The south berwick busses are on 464. "9" 50.... Pl 162.2...
DPW time!!
South berwick is, and was always on 153.755 pl 192.8. Simplex...
BEREICK dpw is 155.0775 dc 251, like it was when I made a post called Berwick fun.... Obviously someone didn't read it.. .
South berwick town wide is accurate, hooray. 156.295. Dcs 343.
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