The most highly regarded and referred to here on RR are the Uniden SDS100 and SDS200Can someone point me in the direction of a digital scanner that can handle systems working with simulcast?
I love my G5!I have been using a Unication G5 for almost 3 years now, and in my opinion, its performance is head and shoulders above other scanners. As with any scanner, the programming software takes some getting used to, but it's worth it. The price is comparable to the cost of the SDS-100. I have always bought from Ray's Scanners, and I highly recommend him.
Unication website Ray's Scanners website
Love my SDRs Running SDR Trunk, most of the time the are receiving better than my SDS200s/100. HOME USE ONLY, due to PC requirement,Hell I'll throw in the occasionally suggested "SDR with SDTrunk" for a mere fraction of the price of the SDS series scanners. A few notable drawbacks; you need to lug a PC around with you & you can't (at the time of this posting) do a "talkgroup hold". So yeah I'll echo the suggestions of those above me for the SDS's
Hell I'll throw in the occasionally suggested "SDR with SDTrunk" for a mere fraction of the price of the SDS series scanners. A few notable drawbacks; you need to lug a PC around with you & you can't (at the time of this posting) do a "talkgroup hold".
Love my SDRs Running SDR Trunk,
Powerful laptop, SDRtrunk and Trunking recorder sound real nice when connected to line in or bluetooth in the car.HOME USE ONLY, due to PC requirement
Are you smoking meth? DSD is legit one of the top 3 programs for p25 audio. Just because you have a crap setup doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone elseDSD+ is does a poor job of decoding P25 audio. OP25 would be a lot better, but is hard to set up.
Just because you have a crap setup doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone else
Same here. But granted I'm using the Airspy R2 and a tuned antenna that are outside.So true. And it’s usually the people who either have a crap signal or set it up totally wrong that knock the performance of a program. My DSDPlus FastLane is crystal clear. Granted I have a good signal and a properly set ppm.