Thanks gent's for your very informative replies, before I posted my query I rigged up a quick DIY dipole antenna comprised of two 11' sections of 12 gauge wire soldered to each terminal of a 75-300 ohm TV antenna transformer, I cut a 6' piece of 75 ohm coax with an F connector on one end & a solderless BNC connector on the other end & hung it from the top of one of the windows in my home office & just draped the rest of the antenna along the floor behind my desk, this was an act of total desperation since I really needed to know if I could even receive local signals much less skip or tropo before investing in anything worthwhile, be it scanner or antenna, well last night while websurfing, the scanner started with WWV at 25 MHz, before things quieted own around 1AM I received 33.7 MHz, 30.64 MHz & 30.82 MHz respectively, actually as I type this I am listening to WWV on 25 MHz but the signal is seriously fading in & out, none of these frequencies were local according to the search index so I would say they were skip, the source of these signals I have absolutely no idea however I will work that out in time since kkn50 gave another member some very good tips in another thread, I am working with a BC9000XLT & a BCT-8 but plan on getting a 15X & an Airspy & hooking them up to this
6 Meter Repeater Antenna 1/2 Wave Coaxial Vertical Antenna Design using Andrew 1/2" heliax through an Apex SPL-2 splitter. I've seen some commercial grade antennas but I think $300.00 to $2,700 for an antenna to connect to a $150.00 scanner is just too extreme for me, well at least for now.
BTW: I miscalculated the lengths of my DIY dipole, the total length was supposed to be 11' not each leg so it probably was really tuned to 20 MHz not 40 MHz like the directions stated, but lo & behold it did work, again gents, thanks for your time & very good advice, I'll keep in touch as things progress & enjoy your weekend.