Best ssb&cw/rtty filter for Icom r75 balanced

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Feb 6, 2011
Cameron County, Tx
I just got my r75 in today it only has the fl-272 and the murata cfj filter which I believe is stock what would be the best choice optional filters if I wanted to utilize to the fullest for ssb and cw/rtty with the stock filters. the cw/rtty is for my mfj 462b decoder and wetherfax on fldgi(250 or 500 kz?) ssb is to hear our beloved hams keeping the hobby alive usually people install options for either what would be best for both and in which i.f 9 and 455 also I will be sending to kiwa for upgrades is their am filter better than getting icoms and if Icom is better which is the best am filter thanks again


Premium Subscriber
Nov 3, 2004
I used to be heavy into HF RTTY, and I had an R71A, along with a couple of different JRC receivers, all with optional filters, and a bunch of others. If I was buying filters for an R75, I would put the FL-103 in the 9MHZ side, and the FL 52A in the 455khz side. The FL-103 would give you better voice audio quality than the narrower filter would, and on most of my receivers, the 500hz filter ended up being more useful than the 250hz ones I had in several of them. You can use the PBT to give almost all the benefits of the 250hz filter without the dead sounding audio and in some cases, too narrow bandwidth for ideal decoding. It seems to depend on the interface how much audio needs to be input for a good result. In the winter, I was able to decode several signals that I was unable to even hear on my old Universal M-7000

The stock fllters, at least on the r75's I've played with, are at best, OK, and the optional ones make it a really nice performer.

I've heard the Kiwa AM mod is a good one, so I would do that too. I had their roofing filter on my NRD-525 receiver and it quieted things down quite a bit.
Feb 6, 2011
Cameron County, Tx
Ty what I was planning to do and i have already ordered is going to remove the fl272 and put it in Fl 223 in its place then for option one first stage 9 MHz FL 100 and the 455khz second stage the Kiawa mod that snaps in however what I would like to do is replace the stock a.m. filter with anywhere from a 6-9 khz stock filter as Craig from kiwah told me that was The Sweet spot the stock filters are no longer made that he used from Japan so I was wondering if you had any idea or anybody else what I could use to change the stock a.m. or find used so I could go ahead and leave the 455khz open for another filter I'm trying to have the best SSB CW/rtty and am if I can get the am in 6.8 stock that could help me balance more maybe keep the 9mhz set up with the FL 272 and FL 100 and option 2 do FL 222 or FL 52a and save the fl 223 or sell it


Premium Subscriber
Nov 3, 2004
Sorry, I don't know all that much about the r75, the R71 was different and I know a lot about that.
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