I used a Channel Master 4-way passive splitter for years, 4 scanners off a Grove Scantenna when I built my first shack in Florida when I moved there in the 80s. I got great reception. When I splurged and spent the big bucks on a Stridsberg I wondered what all the hoopla was about. I did not notice any difference at first. Then, I noticed my S-meters hovering at 9 instead of 4-5 and I thought wow my signal is so much stronger. But, my reception was the same. I lived in Osceola county at the time (St. Cloud, near Disney World) amidst a good strong system. It was only when I moved to the coast on a barrier island that I noticed the difference. I could hear the Osceola system from my home on Merritt Island clear as a bell, so it did make a difference. As others have noted, might be overkill in the city with good signal already. As always, depends on your QTH, equipment, antennas, finances, etc. The Stridsbergs are expensive.