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Beta FW Comments Sought

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 1, 2014
Winter Park, Florida
My bad. Yeah, I meant, those who have gotten the first run of the FW. I've always thought Beta was the version before the finished release.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
My bad. Yeah, I meant, those who have gotten the first run of the FW. I've always thought Beta was the version before the finished release.
Alpha testing is first with a narrow user base and then several stages of Beta level testing with broader user bases before an official release. In this case, if the FW is still in Alpha, there is no "first run" as it has not even entered the beta stage yet.
Beta is generally the final test stage before a release becomes official.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Southern In
No, we can talk about some things. we are in Alpha and hope for another release end of next week.
Main thing in this very first release I am doing HOLD on TG and also scan between 2 or more systems.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 1, 2014
Winter Park, Florida
Is there another thread were the Beta testers are commenting on the FW so far?
How is it working out?

Is it pretty much what Unication has advertised it would do?


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
Like Jeff said, TG Hold works as does multi-system scanning. I've also been testing the TG delay and some of the TG lockout features. I'd say these new features have been "roughed in" and it takes some extra steps to activate them. But keep in mind this is an alpha release, which means everything isn't perfect yet - this is to be expected.

Regardless, these new features are looking very promising!


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2010
San Diego
Are ye ol alpha testers considering, suggesting, or evaluating keypress duration length as it affects the usability of the operations of the new features? Motorolas typically have a long keypress duration of 750ms, longer would be advisable for things like recorder playback, but for normal functions, 750 feels about right.

I wonder if it is possible to impliment a Motorola like priority function, where the radio would monitor the CC data and switch to a preprogrammed priority talkgroup instead of just giving preference to a priority talkgroup if seeing several scan list channel grants.



Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Southern In
I cant answer this yet as I only have a G4 model.I am thinking it will as when we hear a TG we save them to a scan list.So we can save a 800 mhz TG when searching on a 800 MHz CC.
So when you would search on a CC that is 450 when you hear a TG you would hit save and that would save that 450 TG to another scan list.
Scan list are saved TG so you can save dif systems TG or dif site TG to separate scan list, then scan all made scan list.You check the ones to scan.

I know confusing stay tuned for more I hope more update firmware this coming weekend.
Example I saved Evansville Police disp(EVV p-25 system) to a scan list I cal it 1.VANDERBURGH COUNTY SYSTEM.
Then I saved a TG ISP dist 35 DISP TG on Evansville site to a scan list 2.SAFET SYSTEM
Last I saved same ISP dist 35 DISP TG on Henderson site to a scan list 3.SAFET SYSTEM
Another way to say this and maybe Eric or Tom will add to this,We save TG to scan list based on CC freq.
If say I am saving a TG that is on 2 dif CC it will save to 2 dif scan list .You cant save a TG twice on same CC pager will show DUPLICATE.
So above I saved 3 TG that are on 2 dif systems and also on 3 dif sites.
Oh wow I bet i really confused all?
More later.

Will the multi system scan work on two different band systems, on my g5 I have a 450-520 system I want to listen to and a 700-800 system will it switch between them
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