I cant answer this yet as I only have a G4 model.I am thinking it will as when we hear a TG we save them to a scan list.So we can save a 800 mhz TG when searching on a 800 MHz CC.
So when you would search on a CC that is 450 when you hear a TG you would hit save and that would save that 450 TG to another scan list.
Scan list are saved TG so you can save dif systems TG or dif site TG to separate scan list, then scan all made scan list.You check the ones to scan.
I know confusing stay tuned for more I hope more update firmware this coming weekend.
Example I saved Evansville Police disp(EVV p-25 system) to a scan list I cal it 1.VANDERBURGH COUNTY SYSTEM.
Then I saved a TG ISP dist 35 DISP TG on Evansville site to a scan list 2.SAFET SYSTEM
Last I saved same ISP dist 35 DISP TG on Henderson site to a scan list 3.SAFET SYSTEM
Another way to say this and maybe Eric or Tom will add to this,We save TG to scan list based on CC freq.
If say I am saving a TG that is on 2 dif CC it will save to 2 dif scan list .You cant save a TG twice on same CC pager will show DUPLICATE.
So above I saved 3 TG that are on 2 dif systems and also on 3 dif sites.
Oh wow I bet i really confused all?
More later.
Will the multi system scan work on two different band systems, on my g5 I have a 450-520 system I want to listen to and a 700-800 system will it switch between them