Blue Angel radio chatter
Well, I have done my homework on the Blue Angel Frequencies in preparations for this weekends show. I spent a few hours a couple nights ago programming some like 77 frequencies into my scanner, into Bank 10 which is usually the quietest bank i have. When i was awoken by the Angels this morning I turned on my scanner, locked out the other banks and hoped to hear something.... I DID.... so, ill be joining the community on sunday, as well as the crowd, and ill be looking up at the sky with everyone else, only thing is , ill be able to know what there saying up there at 1k feet. Ill try to keep a tab of which are my HOT ! Between looking and trying to follow the performances.. I hope they do some practice runs today and saturday. If you guys wanna trade frequencies ill be near the hydro boat area sunday wearing my W.o.W. shirt