Bodies found - Barnesville (Mont. Co)

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Hey, we made the news.....the last crime spree we had was three years ago when someone took the peach off a residents tree!

Three Bodies found, in the woods, on Barnesville Rd near the intersection with Peach Tree Road. (Barnesville, Md) Possible Murder-Suicide

Early news here: (Also has pictures of the scene - slideshow)

Germantown Dispatch is the talk group, listen on Germ ops channel as well.

Media staging at the Barnesville School (private) on Peach Tree Road.
Second staging spot at the Baptist Church in the town of Barnesville at the intersection of Barnesville Road and Old Hundred Road.

Skyfox & Chopper 4 helos circling.

1645:New 4 now reporting two of the bodies are children.
A father and sister (assuming of an adult victim) also on the scene.

This is in an area there is no reason to be in. Private property, no trails or the like. Original call went out as a suicide. At this point I'm thinking perhaps a cell phone was traced to locate the scene.

1700: Fox 5 news now reporting a man and two small children.
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