Boise Area Sacnning scene

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Jan 16, 2003
Well, by the looks of an empty RR page on Idaho i would imagine the scanning scene there is somewhat non existant? What about the Boise Area? Is this a New 700 MHz Digital System? Is is scannable? If there is someone in t he Boise area that has info and scans on a regular basis daily could please relay some info on the scanning scene here please let me know.... Thanks


Dec 19, 2002
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I think my city is planning on going to a 700 Mhz system similar to the one implemented in the Boise area. I have a pro-96 with the computer software. I wonder if you can use the computer software to program systems like these into the scanner.


Dec 19, 2002
The only way a Pro-96 will receive 700Mhz is in conventional mode. It will not trunk track 700Mhz systems.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2005
Polk County FL
The info from jimvv is correct

jimvv said:
Yes, The Uniden 396 and 996 will.

jimvv said:
The only way a Pro-96 will receive 700Mhz is in conventional mode. It will not trunk track 700Mhz systems.

That is why I sold my RS Pro 96. I had the 396 but got the 996. Plus the 396 and 996 has FM and TV audio which the 96 doesn't RX them I do not know why they put that on there can't hear nothing?

More info:
Soon many people will be asking for comnparisons, here is a thread for reference between the two current offerings from Uniden and GRE (via Radio Shack)

Joe M.
__________________________________________________ ____

Features of the BCD396T, (that the Pro-96 DOES NOT HAVE or are better in the BCD396T)

-- MUCH smaller size
-- Fire ToneOut feature
-- Close Call frequency capture feature
-- Longer alpha-tags (16 vs 12)
-- LTR trunking (except Passport and MultiNet)
-- EDACS Narrowband trunking (Except ProVoice on any EDACS system)
-- EDACS SCAT trunking
-- EDACS Emergency ID feature
-- I-Calls
-- Patch Tracking
-- Status Bit option (on or off) (3600 systems only, of course)
-- End Code option (detect or ignore)
-- Lockout Talkgroups without taking away available ID channels
-- Up to 200 Talkgroups ID's per bank (vs 150 in the 96)
-- Up to three Base/Offset ranges for VHF/UHF through the keypad
-- More custom search ranges (10 vs 1)
-- Above ranges may be searched WITH SCAN!
-- More pre-programmed searches
-- Data Skip option
-- More priority channels (infinite number vs 1 per bank)
-- Selectable frequency step sizes (Auto, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100kHz)
-- More frequency modes (supports SNFM and WFM)
-- Auto Store during a search
-- Beep Alert for desired frequencies or talkgroups
-- Faster scanning and searching rate (theoretically 100 ch/sec vs 60 ch/sec)
-- Priority Plus option (Scans only priority channels)
-- More channels per 'bank' (unlimited vs 50) and more total channels (6000 vs 500) of immediate use (meaning without having to load from memory or computer program)
-- 20 Groups (as opposed to 5 TGID sub-banks)
-- Above with up to 200 TGs (as opposed to 30 IDs per sub-bank)
-- Computer Control (Not just programming)
-- Reverse Frequency button (Repeater input)
-- Lockout specific CTCSS/DCS during scanning or searching (Tone LockOut)
-- PC Cable included
-- Power supply included
-- Batteries included (3 NiMH 2300 mAH)
-- User upgradeable firmware
-- FREE UASD software
-- Squelch operated backlight option
-- Skips over all encrypted transmissions (PRO-96 only does on 3600 systems and when both sides are using it)
-- Up to 400 systems (trunked, conventional, or mixed)
-- MilAir coverage spec'ed (96 has MilAir expansion abilities at reduced sensitivity)
-- Some TV (CHs 2-20) coverage (none on 96)
-- FM Broadcast support (none on 96 - frequencies can be opened, but not heard clearly)
-- On-frequency support of the FedBand (96 uses 5 kHz steps I.E. 166.1600 MHz as opposed to 166.1625 MHz)

Features of the Pro-96, (that the BCD396T DOES NOT have or are better in Pro-96):

-- Louder audio
-- Better screen and keypad backlighting (debatable)
-- More backlight functions and delays
-- Wider screen fonts
-- More reliable Subaudible Squelch Tail Elimination turn-off codes (debatable)
-- V-Scanner Folders feature (Virtually 11 scanners-in-one or 5500 channels total)
-- Excellent software (Win96 by Don Starr)
-- Battery Low threshold adjustable (Through software)
-- Up to six Base/Offset ranges for VHF/UHF trunked systems through software (Only one through the keypad)
-- Analog volume and squelch controls (BCD396T has 16 digital steps on each)
-- Easier to store found CTCSS/CDCSS tones/codes
-- V-folders can quickly restore a default setup (clear lockouts, etc)
-- Infinite backlight availability without losing timed setting.
-- Can remove from belt much easier if you have other devices on belt
(396 must be turned upside down to remove)
-- Can scan several zones/sites in the same bank. (only need one scan list)

-- SMA (396) vs BNC (96)
-- Blue backlight (396) vs Amber (96)
-- PRO-96 has rubber grip issues - 396 may have printing issues (too new to tell)
-- Faster to change 96 battery 'pack' vs only 3 cells for 396 (loose)

Note: This list will be updated as required.
Last edited:


Scanning since 1967
Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2005
Anchorage-Alaska, Boise-Idaho, Salem-Oregon
Ada County 700 mhz system

Ada County's 700 mhz is up and running great. Some FD and PD using now. Astro XTS2500 will be the standard portabels.

Sumilcast till 2008 then total switchover with encryption as standard for PD's :-(

I work for the county an am awiting delivery of my portable.

Sorry guys I cannot share radio info.

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