Hi Everyone!
You can get a list of freuencies at http://www.alpharubicon,com/elect/evenmofreqs(jw).txt
They have border patrol, air national guard, US customs and other fed frequencies, good listings.
Here's two frequencies I found for Bonner's Ferry, ID. that I can receive in northwest montana. 170.7750 border patrol dispatch - repeater, unencrypted - good signal and
163.7250 border patrol car to car & car to dispatch - repeater, unencrypted, signal a little scratchy sometimes, but sometimes good.
You can get a list of freuencies at http://www.alpharubicon,com/elect/evenmofreqs(jw).txt
They have border patrol, air national guard, US customs and other fed frequencies, good listings.
Here's two frequencies I found for Bonner's Ferry, ID. that I can receive in northwest montana. 170.7750 border patrol dispatch - repeater, unencrypted - good signal and
163.7250 border patrol car to car & car to dispatch - repeater, unencrypted, signal a little scratchy sometimes, but sometimes good.