Thank you its much appreciated, I suppose harris it is, could you recommend me where I could acquire the software for the xg100p and maybe a few pointers on differences in harris and motorolas software?
New London Technologies is a shop based out of Lynchburg that sells Harris equipment. I'd start there for the software. I believe Harris sells a package of the new RPM2 and old RPM1. If not, I've seen disks floating around on eBay before that will work fine.
All things considered, the very basic concepts of the Harris software are the same as those of Motorola. The way each software is setup varies a bit. The biggest thing to note, is that the term "Zone" in the Harris world, is quite a bit different than that of the Motorola world. For Moto, a zone is a "bank" of channels for lack of a better term. For Harris, the idea behind their "Zone" is to mix trunking and conventional channels together into one "bank".
Otherwise, the only huge differences to note are; in order to create a bank/Motorola type zone in a Harris radio, you have to make a dedicated system for each group of channels you want. For example, my XG100s have 3 "banks" for my county. 1: Fire/EMS, 2 Gov't, and 3: Interop. While all of these talkgroups exist on the same physical trunking system, in the Harris radio, you have to create a dedicated "system" for each group/bank/zone of channels you want. Hopefully this makes sense.
Creating a dedicated system for each group of channels is not as difficult as creating a true system in a Motorola radio. This is because of "sets". You are able to create a "set", which is essentially a list, of frequencies, talkgroups, WACN/SYS IDs, and IDEN/Band Plans. Thus, when you go to create the "system" in the software, you can select the "set" for each of the previously listed variables, instead of having to enter them all again.
You'll also find that RPM is quite a bit less laggy compared to APX CPS, which, depending on the size of the codeplug, can be absolutely unbearable at times. As far as software goes, you'll need RPM14. RPM14 is referred to as RPM, RPM1, and RPM14. All three of those terms refer to the same software. RPM2 is not capable of programming the XG100P.