I’ve got a couple of SDR units, a RTL-SDR V4 and a Nooelec unit. Both work fine with other programs and apps on my Win10 computer. I decode a lot of FLEX with SDR# and PDW. Lots of fun reading some of the messages that get trapped by my filters.
However with Unitrunker, it simply won’t see my SDRs. I click on radio tab and nothing.
I haven’t scanned in years. I used to be in law enforcement in Weber/Morgan and used to work with the radio guys to coordinate when to come in, I always enjoyed it when they arrived to do updates. Back then, I didn’t need a scanner because I had my own radios. I’ve been out for 9 years, I want to try using my computer to scan.
With sdrtrunk, I get a CONTROL message sitting on 769.68125, just a constant stream of data. I know that’s the new system. I can’t get any of the going-away system.
Does anyone have any insight with Unitrunker not showing either radio? I also changed the serial numbers as I’ve read is necessary.
Thanks in advance
I’ve got a couple of SDR units, a RTL-SDR V4 and a Nooelec unit. Both work fine with other programs and apps on my Win10 computer. I decode a lot of FLEX with SDR# and PDW. Lots of fun reading some of the messages that get trapped by my filters.
However with Unitrunker, it simply won’t see my SDRs. I click on radio tab and nothing.
I haven’t scanned in years. I used to be in law enforcement in Weber/Morgan and used to work with the radio guys to coordinate when to come in, I always enjoyed it when they arrived to do updates. Back then, I didn’t need a scanner because I had my own radios. I’ve been out for 9 years, I want to try using my computer to scan.
With sdrtrunk, I get a CONTROL message sitting on 769.68125, just a constant stream of data. I know that’s the new system. I can’t get any of the going-away system.
Does anyone have any insight with Unitrunker not showing either radio? I also changed the serial numbers as I’ve read is necessary.
Thanks in advance