Anyone hear what's going on near Brighton around 1:45 PM? My reception isn't very good hear but I heard Brighton FD asking for the Adams County Dive Team to respond for someone who fell through the ice. It keeps cutting in and out.
I've heard about the same and I also had spotty reception which was kinda horrible for being only about 5 miles away from where it occurred. I do know that it happened in one of the ponds either north or south of Rocky Mountain ready mix plant in Brighton addressed at 975 Hwy 85 which is at about WCR 4 and Hwy 85.
This all got me thinking about doing some re-programming to my 396T.
dracer777 and i were just talking about the poor reception for adams county last night. is lookout a good 800mhz option (other than thordin) for Adams?
No I don't have any tricks, wish I did though. By re-programming I should have said organization, I locked Brighton down to its own system and limited it to just the Adams simulcast CC. Before I couldn't get my radio to say on that tower. It has to have about the worst coverage in the state.