Bristol Virginia Police frequencies.

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Oct 3, 2008
II thought they were originally on the Sullivan County TN trunk system, but only the Tennessee side is on there. I have looked on here in the database, even left my BCT-15 on service search; but I cant seem to find any scanner frequencies for Bristol, VA. Including the PD and Sheriffs Department. I figured since its pretty much Washington county I looked for it but they don't communicate with the Washington County SO it just includes the SO and Abingdon PD. If anyone has any idea what frequency Bristol is on I would appreciate it.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 21, 2003

Hey, I have a good collection at my from the area

I dont have the Bristol, VA PD "Tac" frequency
Im just far enough away that I cant hear their input freq..

See if you can discover it :)


Nov 9, 2002
Prince George, Virginia--Central Va.
Bristol, VA PD TAC

Hey, I have a good collection at my from the area

I dont have the Bristol, VA PD "Tac" frequency
Im just far enough away that I cant hear their input freq..

See if you can discover it :)

Bristol, TN is my home town. The Bristol, VA PD TAC frequency is 157.6350 mhz. simplex. The city radio transmitter site is located on top of the first high hill visible on the left from I81after crossing over Rt. 11 at milepost 4 just before exit 3 (I381) heading south towards the TN line. My ex-wife's grandmother originally owned part of the hill and GAVE FREE in perpetuity approximately 1 acre to the city for a radio site on the top side. I remember discussing it in the early 70s with her before her death as her land portion of the hill as being a great antenna site for my ham radio tower and antennas. I was shocked when she told me what she had done probably in the 30s or early 40s. Any tower I would install would have to be on the upper side of the hill. The only requirement was the city had to maintain the site which it does to this day. My oldest son currently lives at the base of the hill and owns her original property.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 21, 2003
Awesome, thanks! thats bumfuzzled me since I moved to Abingdon from Castlewood ...

They call that rye patch hill or sumin dont say the view of Bristol at night is out of this world... Would you say Bristol City uses tac with a remote base there or just from there tree of antennas downtown..

I can hear the FD FB2 just fine here....

Bristol, TN is my home town. The Bristol, VA PD TAC frequency is 157.6350 mhz. simplex. The city radio transmitter site is located on top of the first high hill visible on the left from I81after crossing over Rt. 11 at milepost 4 just before exit 3 (I381) heading south towards the TN line. My ex-wife's grandmother originally owned part of the hill and GAVE FREE in perpetuity approximately 1 acre to the city for a radio site on the top side. I remember discussing it in the early 70s with her before her death as her land portion of the hill as being a great antenna site for my ham radio tower and antennas. I was shocked when she told me what she had done probably in the 30s or early 40s. Any tower I would install would have to be on the upper side of the hill. The only requirement was the city had to maintain the site which it does to this day. My oldest son currently lives at the base of the hill and owns her original property.


Nov 9, 2002
Prince George, Virginia--Central Va.
Don't Know

Awesome, thanks! thats bumfuzzled me since I moved to Abingdon from Castlewood ...

They call that rye patch hill or sumin dont say the view of Bristol at night is out of this world... Would you say Bristol City uses tac with a remote base there or just from there tree of antennas downtown..

I can hear the FD FB2 just fine here....

Yes, it is called Rye Patch Hill and it still is a sore subject with me almost 40+ years later. Although it never was any of my business I never forgave his grandmother for GIVING the land FREE to the city of Bristol, Va. Somebody in city government years ago sold her a sob story. The city govt. never even sent her a letter of thanks and certainly never gave her any relief on her real estate tax assessments. This was a woman who had 11 children and moved from Kingsport to Bristol in a horse drawn wagon in the early 1900s. She died in her 90s. My oldest son occasionally has to listen to my rants and raves about it when the subject is raised. He has learned not to raise the subject. It still is a worthy antenna site and he has road access easement to the top . A backhoe would have to dig out a portion of the upper side of the hill so a hole could be dug and concrete poured for a tower installation. On top of the hill on the southside is a beautiful home that the owner of that hill portion built. The city "free" antenna site on top is chain link fenced all around probably to keep me out. My oldest son is not a ham radio operator and does not understand the value of such a site as ham operators would. You can drive up to the site from Long Crescent Road. The city antenna site is on the right fork of the road split and unmanned or unwomaned whichever these days.

I think the tac frequency is only car to car. I am not familar in detail with their other radio operations as I seldom get back to the Bristol area.


Oct 3, 2008
Looks like we have some good ol boys here. I will check out your website kf4uel thanks, I'm from Scott County Virginia I go to college in Bristol. I know the State Police has a Tactical frequency, but it sounds like its a place where our troopers go to ''shoot the breeze''... I got a chance to listen to the frequency's yesterday, looks like I will be adding the tactical frequency too. Seems the only things I cant pick up very good is the THP frequencies, or the Sullivan County TN trunking system; but I have a VHF only antenna.


Nov 9, 2002
Prince George, Virginia--Central Va.
New Bristol area amateur radio operator info

Awesome, thanks! thats bumfuzzled me since I moved to Abingdon from Castlewood ...

They call that rye patch hill or sumin dont say the view of Bristol at night is out of this world... Would you say Bristol City uses tac with a remote base there or just from there tree of antennas downtown..

I can hear the FD FB2 just fine here....

My oldest son who lives on Rye Patch Hill in Bristol just passed his amateur radio exam and now is awaiting his callsign. Installation of base station 2 meter/440 mhz. rotatable antennas at 2100 ft. ASL. soon will be underway. I plan on driving down soon to help with the installation (i.e. dirty work). He also will operate mobile. Check your PM.

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