Your ARC246 is working correctly.
Yes ... you would have to transfer both the profile file and the associated memory files to view the configuration as the original user is using it.
Part of the reason for this format is due to having the ability to add or remove individual systems, without having the software erase the entire scanner memory first.
With the USAD program, there are only two files to transfer ... the configuration, and the memory contents.
Gommert's format for ARC246 uses .mem files to provide compatibility with files from ARC780 and ARC250. Gommert has mentioned that a future version of the ARC246 program will make ARC780 and ARC250 .mem files transferable to the ARC246 program (but not backwards-compatible).
Just for consideration, I broke down Charlotte / Mecklenberg County into the following system files:
- Conventional Public Safety (includes fire, ems, law enf, emer mgmt ... each with a separate group)
- CMPD Divisions, Sheriffs and Parks (20 groups, and each unifromed division is in its own group)
- Local PDs (each municipality in its own group, with redundant disp tgs for centers dispatching more than one agency)
- Charlotte Fire (separate groups for ops, training, emergency, etc)
- County Fire (separate groups for ops, utility, and "other")
- Mecklenberg Medics - (separate groups for ems tgs, med tgs, CMC tgs and hospital patch tgs)
- Priority Talkgroups - (covers the fire and ems dispatch tgs, mutual aid and alert tgs, and specialized tgs of personal interest)
- Events Talkgroups - (just the 32 events tgs, marked by channel number and primary agency user)
Although that might seem like alot of systems to dedicate to Charlotte - Mecklenberg, I think it breaks down the talkgroups into manageable sizes.
I have the conventional channels, priority talkgroups and events tgs under the same quick key, and leave them enabled all the time. They provide me a good overview of the county, based on my preference for fire / ems activity.
The city and county fire, and the medic systems, are together under another quick key that I can easily turn on when traffic on a dispatch talkgroup warrants.
The CMPD and Local PD systems each have their own quick keys.
That's 4 quick keys, in total, used for Charlotte - Mecklenberg. I use quick key 10 for storing systems I do not regularly use.
I also keep atleast on quick key open / unused, so that I can temporarily move a system to that quick key for short term monitoring. I'm currently using about 82 % of the scanner memory.