Can I Use, Analog scanner along with pc software for digital?

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Mar 13, 2014
hello, still very new too this hobbie, ive done some searching here and google, and couldnt find anything.

I did however find this one site which is a tutorial on setting up the software on pc for digital & trunking. They list a sdr receiver as one of the needed things.

******* I have a uniden bc75xlt which is just an analog, Is there anyway I can use my current scanner along with my laptop too start getting digital and trunking? *******

I just bought scanner yesterday am, the online site listed a scanner which i thought was this one, so went too the store, seen this scanner behind the glass, same price as the one online, was in rush and bought it without really looking at it, and find out after using it, that its useless for what i want, so hopefully I can somehow make use of it for what i want


Feb 24, 2001
The PRO75XLT covers 25 to 54, 108 to 174, and 406 to 512 Mhz. If you have any trunking in the 770, 851, or 935 Mhz bands, you'll need a different receiver. Some trunking is in the 150s, 410s, and 460s to 490s so it might be useful there but would need to be modified to provide discriminator audio.

If you want to use your PC for trunked decoding and voice following, you'll need two receivers. Some SDR receivers are quite cheap. You can purchase one of the TV tuner USB sticks (with a specific chip set) for about $10 USD each.

What system(s) do you want to monitor?


Mar 13, 2014
Hey unitrunker, thanks for the reply......

I bought the pro75xlt because I figured buy a cheap one first too see if im going too enjoy raido scanners before spending $700 on a good one, That was a pricey little mistake, because the scanner picks up absoutely nothing around here, except for the odd airplane, and a couple older fellows who chat at night.

And I just wanted too monitor, Fire, Ambulence, Police(But police are encrypted from what I read so cant)

But the ambulence would be interesting enough by themselfs i would imagine, hearing all the crazy stuff that go's on.

I found this setup guide, is this a good start?

Watch the Watchers With This DIY Police Radio Scanner

And any other helpful info you have would be appreciated. thank you


Nov 21, 2010
Faribault County, MN
The PRO75XLT covers 25 to 54, 108 to 174, and 406 to 512 Mhz. If you have any trunking in the 770, 851, or 935 Mhz bands, you'll need a different receiver. Some trunking is in the 150s, 410s, and 460s to 490s so it might be useful there but would need to be modified to provide discriminator audio.

If you want to use your PC for trunked decoding and voice following, you'll need two receivers. Some SDR receivers are quite cheap. You can purchase one of the TV tuner USB sticks (with a specific chip set) for about $10 USD each.

What system(s) do you want to monitor?

I have a Icom PCR-2500 W/ out the UT-118 (DV) or UT-122 (P25) board. Since it has a packet port and will receive in the Minnesota ARMER 800mhz range, can it be used w/ Unitrunker to decode the ARMER system?

I am only interested in one tower on the system that is 5 miles away. That tower has one control frequency and three voice frequencies.


Feb 24, 2001
I do not have an R-2500 or PC/R-2500 (or a UT-122) so I've never had the opportunity to test these models.

I do have a PCR-1500. The program controls the VFO on the '1500 and the primary VFO on the '2500.

I don't think Unitrunker correctly controls the second VFO on the '2500 and likely does not enable the UT-122 for P25 voice.

For decoding from the '2500, the packet output is slightly filtered. You can decode Motorola and EDACS 4800 from it but P25 and EDACS 9600 decoding will be poor. In an attempt to keep this on topic for the voice decoding forum - you'll have the same problems using the '2500 with DSD and DSD+.

You can bypass the filtering with some minor surgery to allow decoding with DSD and DSD+.

If someone wants to volunteer for beta testing, please sign up to the Unitrunker mailing list on Google groups.


Feb 24, 2001
I found this setup guide, is this a good start?

Watch the Watchers With This DIY Police Radio Scanner

That is a good place to start but some of the information is obsolete (or soon will be). I suggest purchasing two of the RTL sticks ($10 to $20 USD each). On the SDR# website, there is a batch file you can download that will pull down all the pieces in one shot to get SDR# working. Once you get SDR# working (which has a simple interface and lots of functionality), you'll be in a position to explore other software.

Follow-up questions go in the Software Defined Receivers forum above.
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