Car Chase on Tuesday afternoon

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May 30, 2009
In a house along a busy road in Mercer County, Far
I was driving across the turnpike on Tuesday afternoon about 3pm or so and caught the tollroad chasing after 2 vehicles from the 68 mile marker or so heading east. They was an unmarked SUV maybe out of Michigan and the other was a Green or Grey Dodge Durango with Florida tags both speeding in excess of 100mph. The Unmarked SUV pulled over and the Durango kept going and passing other vehicles on the left and right side of the highway then exited off the pike I think at the 81 crashing through the gate and headed south on Route 51. The OSP lost the Durango and then minutes later the Wood County Sheriff picked up the chase for about 10 minutes and then they lost the Durango also. They were patching everyone onto the Turnpike OSP West TG. Patched together were the OSP Bowling Green Dispatch, Wood Co. SO and Putman Co. SO along with Williams Co. SO and Fulton Co. SO. I listened from around the 140 mile marker to the 209 exit and lost the Portage Site and the outcome of the chase. For one reason or another I couldn't pike up any of it off the Trumbull Site, I would have thought that the Turnpike OSP West TG would be coming through that site but it was not.

Did anyone else hear this chase and know of the outcome? I have been searching the newspapers but have not come up with any info which leads me to believe that the 2 Black guys with dreadlocks and possibly a handgun and stolen credit cards are still out there somewhere. They also had a stolen Michigan plate with them and the back window of the Durango had the family stickers on the left lower side of 6 family members.

I would think with all of the trouble and time put into this chase that the papers and or news stations would have at least come up with some kind of spin on the situation. If these 2 got away they were able to out run MARCS and that is not a very easy thing to do today!


Feb 24, 2001
I never thought about (or knew about) that OSP site.

I remember a long 5+ county chase thru here with the local PD(s) involved. That actually made the media cuz the car finally crashed. :)
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