No idea about the USA, but the last places I know of, that had either IMTS or MTS was in Yukon territory and British Columbia.
BC also had a full duplex VHF radio phone service called Autotel. It was on the 15kHz channels between the MTS 30kHz channels listed.
A light google search found this gem on the web. In Alberta, Aurora was on UHF 409.xxxx/420.xxxx(I believe)
In BC, Telus discontinued VHF radio telephone in 2016. Even then, I believe it was only available in certain select areas when radiophone service was finally terminated.
Telus disconintued maritime radiophone service in 2010.
Attached is an archived page from Telus of the Autotel service before it was discontinued.
Northwest Tel discontinued radiophone service in the Yukon in 2014.