I am taking a cruise next week out of Galveston on Carnival Magic. I know they used to have LTR systems but I can't find any listing in trunked systems for Carnival unless I'm looking in the wrong place. Any help?
I am taking a cruise next week out of Galveston on Carnival Magic. I know they used to have LTR systems but I can't find any listing in trunked systems for Carnival unless I'm looking in the wrong place. Any help?
So are the maritime channels in use between tugs and pilot boats and cruise ships when coming in and out of ports? I think I'll have to program them along with what I have for Magic so I don't miss anything! BTW, I'll be using a Pro 106.
So I have 3 questions.
1. Why are you not allowed to have an amateur radio on board? Isn't if you have a valid license and know the laws of the land at sea and in international countries aren't you allowed to operate?
2. Don't families bring radios on because its easier to use them to communicate with their each other than waste boatloads of money on roaming charges?
3. Why is it such a big deal if you are listening? What could possibly happen on a floating paradise?
I was thinking about bringing my VHF radio on my last cruise to listen to the maritime traffic, but my parents argued against it. I didn't think it was such a big deal because some one can go to a foreign country rent a boat and talk on a radio all they want. Some people even take their own boat so whats the difference? I don't think there's harm in it.
That's just my 2 cents. I'll probably be proved wrong, but that is how you learn.