Cell phone billing irregularity

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Aug 23, 2011
Ok, this is my first time doing this so please bear with me.

My wife has two phones, a blackberry curve and a palm pixi, our provider is Sprint. On my wife's usage log I just happened to look and came across something a bit strange. On her usage, I see she made from her Palm phone which is the phone she does not use, to her blackberry which is her primary. But the calls do not show up on her Palm call log. Each call is always at 1-2 minutes in duration. It says this happens around the same time each day, give or take an hour.

Worth mentioning, we did have some marital problems some time ago, and I suspect she is hiding something, as these calls are only when I am not home. I am figuring she has a way to make calls without keeping the log showing up in the bill.

I guess my question is is there a way by using her two phones that she is hiding calls on the bill? I admit, this sounds a bit far fetched, but I think she is up to something and I would like to get at the truth of the matter. If she is up to something illicit I would like to have more evidence and not just speculation. She does not realize I have noticed, as I have not brought it up to her yet. I rather have more concrete proof.
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