Please forgive me if this has been discussed in another thread and point me to it. I am trying to understand the simulcasting within the CNYICC. I have an SDS100 and have been listening to Law/Fire/EMS in Oswego, Onondaga, and Cauyga Counties (I live in Oswego County). When home in Oswego County and listening from an Oswego County tower, I am hearing all the dispatch and local fire etc. From the surrounding counties I am primarily hearing just the dispatch and not the more localized talkgroups. When I travel into Onondaga County, listening from an Onondaga County tower, I then begin to hear the localized talkgroups within Onondaga County. How does the simulcasting work county to county? Are just the main dispatch talkgroups simulcast outside of each county and you need to be listening to a county tower for talkgroups within the county you are in? I am trying to come up to speed on how the P25 systems work since getting a BDC996P2 last Christmas and an SDS100 a week ago. I love listening to everything and then just specific talkgroups when specific events are occurring.