Just found my notes from the fair. I only had about half an hour of time to do some monitoring so this is just a short list, but nonetheless it is something to go on. Interestingly I noted no traffic on the Expo's licensed VHF frequencies. The Expo personnel I observed all had what appeared (judging by the antennae) to be UHF HTs.
154.570 D131 unknown vendors - interesting because Williston WalMart uses this frequency CSQ and I
could hear the confused employees sometimes in the distance. Eventually WM employees switched
to 154.600 CSQ.
453.4875 D411 (possibly simplex, or repeater with very short "tail") Essex town services - seemed to be
EMS/fire informal chat - first time I have heard anything on this frequency, and it has been in my scanners since it was licensed. Emissions code was for digital voice I believe, at least it was when they were initially licensed.
462.675 D244 Expo parking (wonder if any of them have GMRS licenses?)
467.75 D343 Expo personnel
154.570 D131 unknown vendors - interesting because Williston WalMart uses this frequency CSQ and I
could hear the confused employees sometimes in the distance. Eventually WM employees switched
to 154.600 CSQ.
453.4875 D411 (possibly simplex, or repeater with very short "tail") Essex town services - seemed to be
EMS/fire informal chat - first time I have heard anything on this frequency, and it has been in my scanners since it was licensed. Emissions code was for digital voice I believe, at least it was when they were initially licensed.
462.675 D244 Expo parking (wonder if any of them have GMRS licenses?)
467.75 D343 Expo personnel
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