Anyone know where to find freq info on the planes that are spraying the trails?
Aren't the chemtrails some kind of conspiracy theory? ...........
To some, yes, to others, very real. Each group considers the other group insane.
27.185 MHz AM mode
Anyone know where to find freq info on the planes that are spraying the trails?
Sometimes they use 357.0 MHz AM when spraying as a flight.
You can sometimes hear them on 243.666 MHz.
27.185 MHz AM mode
Dude, where are you getting this? This is the Chemtrail Devil Freq. with the .666 ?
True. But if this is supposed to be "secret" would they really use radios where people can hear them doing all this?
Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk
It came right out of the crackpot's official secret frequency guide book.
I thought they were crazy too until I did my homework. They are real.